Winter Sleep

If I could I would
Go down to winter with the drowsy she-bear
Crawl with her under the hillside
and lie with her, cradled. Like two souls
in a patchwork bed --
Two old sisters familiar to each other
As cups in a cupboard --
We would burrow into the yellow leaves
To shut out the sounds of the winter wind.

Deep in that place, among the roots
of sumac, oak, and wintergreen,
We would remember the freedoms of summer,
And we would begin to breathe together --
Hesitant as singers in the wings --
A shy music
Oh! a very soft song.

While pines cracked in the snow above
And seeds froze in the ground, and rivers carried
A dark roof in their many blue arms,
We would sleep and dream ..
We would wake and tell
How we longed for spring.
Smiles on our faces, limbs around each other
We would turn and turn
Until we heard our lips in unison sighing

The family name.

~ Mary Oliver ~

"your chirps go here xo"

:: New Years Eve ::

I have new year knitting wishes instead of resolve. I believe they are similar to ones from this time last year, involving knitting with stash yarns and bravely trying new things.

Because Shadow likes to prowl in the night we make her sleep in the garage, and her fur is quite chilly in the morning when we let her back in. I've been thinking about knitting her an igloo, it would just be a very large hat with a floor. I think I should start this one soon, wish I had thought of it before it got cold. Want to use gold (like her eyes) and black(as her fur)...When the 2nd treasury of magical knitting comes out I intend to make the catbed from there as well.

I am wondering about trying to make a pair of socks every month,

and wondering about trying to write up some hat patterns(my mind pushes off to a point where I am selling kits of hat designs)

I've been very attracted to orange, orange-reds & yellow golds "fire in the belly" sort of colors. This past year has been a bit rough for me because of my now empty nest. I think some "fire in the belly" sorts of knitting may help me get comfortable with myself by myself. When I look deep enough inside I see this is exactly the place I want to be, I just... well, I don't know what I just, but I think maybe these colors will help me get there.

By the time I finished the Alchemy hats I thought I was tired enough of stranded knitting to be done with it for a time, but within a day I saw these two bits of yarn together, Mountain Colors Mountain Goat(color tag lost) & Alchemy Silk Purse in twig and another hat began...

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"hi kitty " (BGTallent)

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finishing up with
Alchemy stranded caps. Knitting is done, still working on the wording for the pattern. Feeling very proud but glad to return to knitting for its own sake.

sister-in-law blanket. each row is 55 inches, made with various 100% wools and "look, ma, no purls" pattern. 25 " done, hoping to finish during January

Gjestal Naturgarn in#160 & 245
to match Shadow

new attempt with one of last years projects - silk garden #88 and a no pattern patchworked style sweater for Karl