April 1 - 3 :: here we go
~festival doesn't start till suppertime today. We have a 4 hour car ride, with mostly beautiful scenery and Amy Tan reading us her book "The Hundred Secret Senses" to soothe and entertain the 95% of my heart and soul that just wants to stay home.
May the adventuresome other 5% of me be Brave & Light & Open hearted to see me gracefully(or not) through the weekend
here are a few of my favorite pictures from home this past month
3 - 31 :: windmill
this is the windmill pattern and cotton stria yarn i hope to work with this weekend. i adore this color. there is an alchemy color named dragon that is kindred to this. means something important to my spirit , it is soothing, healing. like the fresh new leaves of spring.
this week marks one year that karlie and i have been living in bandon. it is being a slow process to feel at home here. i do believe i will. this has also been my first empty nest year, and cronehood year. i have always looked forward to aging, thinking that it would bring with it a lot of gifts, like being comfortable in the world, and not being emotionally enslaved by hormones. i am finding however that these are not gifts exactly but ways of spirit that are learned, and tho time does provide all the lessons, choosing to learn them is still up to me.
tho i think i pay attention every day, spring seems to just pop in unexpectedly.
3 - 30 :: new heels
lovely new heels have happened in the above space . see them and my new skill with roll-overs at "the year in socks" it has been storming here for(what feels like)ever, wet wet wet. i think this will be the condition at festival as well. fine for the knitters, but karlie had hoped to do some exploring in the nature around Ahimsa, there are 25 acres, located in the Oregon Coast Range, which sounds much more mountainlike than i believe it will be. 2 more sleeps till...
3 -29 :: swooning grandma
last time i got to visit my grandbaby he was just taking his first steps, now he is so steady on his feet. at bunny-a-long i posted a third picture that shows the 3-d fabric paint added to the slipper soles for gripping-factor. there are some pictures that let me know my days of knitting goofy things for Ben are numbered...
a visit to Benjamin is the next big adventure for us after this weekend's knitting festival. Being Ben's grandma, this is precious ground for me.
3-28 :: sweater ready for packing...
after a few more attempts with knitted-flowers, i chose to use just plain buttons on the sweater cuffs. had some fun testing out the new blogging fashion of sweater over pjs, but above is the clearest photo. maybe it will show up in photos from this coming weekend.
what is on my mind more than what to pack to wear, is what to pack along for knitting. moebiusly, my desire is to make a cotton shawl-like scarf for summer-time; the winds here as well as the cool evenings would make this oh-so-welcome. i tried once to cast-on moebiusly with cotton and it was too difficult, but maybe now that i have done it a few times i can make it work. the cotton i have in mind is stria, in its light green color.
since one of the scheduled events is wool sharing for a felted project, must also add some wool to my packing.
unlike me, jennifer has no trouble improvising flowers. also, searching among the newest knit-bloggers, noticed a sweet baby sweater happening at whispering pine
there are photos of benjamin in bunny slippers that just arrived . next post. my wonder-wonder-wonderful grandbaby
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