roofed :: 1-21

What a kick this is. I am thinking I can hook the roof by its topknot to the top of Shadow's cubby, and create a willow circle to hold the roof edge wide. Now I am going to print out some appropriately sized graph paper and imagine some wall designs. Mostly as a Freeway test here is one of yesterday's home photos in which a deer is watching us instead of the other way around...

Happy weekend to you. This is the weekend that my hats are on display in California. Tune in next week to see if I have become a knitting celebrity

good & bad :: 1-20

good :: I made a page for my free patterns : )

bad :: today's presidential activities have a big big pricetag

spooky eyes & happy feet :: 1-19

all I want :: january 18

I meant to type happy colors and write about Karlie's new slippers which have pink toes and heels and make me smile whenever they cross my eyes path, but instead, sitting here I find myself in a state of undefined longing, ... here is before felting photo anyway xo

It was one of Robin's grandmothers that taught me to call bright colors "happy" when she bought herself a bright colored sweater for days cheering up was needed. It definitely works says the smile on my face when I see Karlie's bright toes pass by.

It had been so long since I made fuzzy feet that I had forgotten that for me, knitting with smaller needles makes felting easier because the change is not so great, so fast. fuzzy feet call for US #10 1/2 and I think #9's became my preference. That is part of what this journaling is meant to do, help me keep track of tweakings...perhaps "tweak" needs a site of its own...... entrelac fuzzy feet are now on my "all I want to knit" list (which also needs a webpage of its own) xo

the upcoming year in socks :: january 14

began site for 2005 socks with the project of replacing toes of entrelac socks, which left me wanting to knit some more with silk garden

Shadow's roof is 200 stitches now.Someone thought I might be knitting Benjamin a tent which "almost" sounds fun. Not sure what is next on the grandma knitting front. am surely missing that little boy xo

from organic to flat :: January 12

350 stitches :: 22 inch diameter. Missed the photo of Shadow sitting on the edge of it, sniffing the wet steamed wool. Seeing the width made me realise for the first time that this wasn't just going to stand up on its own, so now I am thinking 'tent' instead of igloo and am still happy to continue. The roof is next, which will be just like the floor only done in 5 sections instead of 6 to make it rounded instead of flat. Will update pattern later today.

Also adding inches each day to Jean's blanket , dreaming about my knitting future, and playing with the software to make pretty journal pages.

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