sock update :: Jan 28

braided cuffs

finished both cuffs on gray&red cashmere socks. I thought I wasn't a big fan of cashmere but these feel *marvelous* I like to work on both socks together, some personal quirk, it remains more fun then copying one sock when it is finished. Will write up braid pattern on sock pages asap.

Heard from Alchemy that my hats were well received at the TNNA show last weekend. Good! I have been holding my breath. Next big moment for me will be to see the pattern in print. Proof knitting is happening and probably some tweaking of the braided cable earflaps of which I am quite giddily proud: )

I began another silk garden hat using US # 10 1/2 needles. This may be stretching the limit a bit but I do like the soft fabric it is making. One of my daydreams is the creation of a pamphlet about this silk garden knitting of topknot down hats. "Grandma Mare's Happy Hat Formula" ...something like that, including happy hat poems and stories...

Jean's blanket (that is better called a throw) is bound off and ready for a bit of steaming. I couldn't work on this woven stitch for more than a few hours at a time, something about the wrist action involved, but it is a gorgeous stitch that I think would make amazing skirt fabric. I used it before on a set of mittens. It also makes thick warm fabric. Will take a nice close-up after steaming.

overwhelmed a bit :: Jan 26



These hats are part of my experiment of knitting silk garden with different size needles and my basic topknot down hat, which I intend to make a free pattern for. The overwhemed bit comes from wanting to do the pattern prettily in my panther-emac environment, so my brain tries to see how to make an html page that will print up nice(I can make a .pdf file of almost anything,but wanted to do it in html)...not successfully so far, not to mention the need for getting the pattern wording correct.

I finally know what my next project for Benjamin will be. He has learned to say "woof" with every dog sighting, so I would like to make a dog puppet, a mitten shape with ears and eyes. Found a fun book to model from called "Dear Mrs. Larue, Letters from Obedience School" also at library yesterday I picked up Melissa Leapman's "A Close-Knit Family" which has a very sweet boyish sweater that caught my eye.

I've run out of 4 or 5 of the yarns for Jean's blanket and it is no where close to becoming a square, so I think renaming it a stole and ending when the yarns end will have to be the new plan. I have missed the deadline to get it to her on her birthday, which makes me sad. I am always uncomfortable when I knit for others, feeling unsure if they will like it, or it will fit well enough...or... I wish I wasn't like that.

And there haven't been any new "Adventures of LongJohn SilverReed" but my head is swimming with ideas of slippers & bags in knitting machine forms...

1500 stitches an hour :: Jan 24, 2005

Somewhere in December I had begun this 'to be felted' moebius scarf , knitting in the Cat Bordhi way - got this far before remembering that the main reason I got myself a knitting machine was for cranking out stitches to be felted. Except for a few early experiments I haven't used my machine, whom I call "longjohn" (its a 'Silver' Reed) (when I say longjohn I think of warm underclothes, not pirates) I decided to re-do this scarf in the "longjohn" way...procrastinating at first by buying him a stand...

finding it so dull, that I painted it China Red and switched its rubber feet to skates for mobility

put it all together and cranked out 544 rows of 30 stitches before running out of yarn (New Zealand Woolpak, 10 ply). Including the painting time I think I still got done faster than if I'd stuck to the original knitting..

There is a lot to learn about this machine. I'm hoping its new brightness will keep me coming back. As usual I have an abundance of ideas that could work out here...maybe longjohn will even get his own webpage : ) The scarf got a half twist before sewing together, leaving one long edge of 1000 plus stitches to reverse single crochet around before felting...that took another 2+hours...


...and was this big...

took just 15 minutes to felt, another 15 to pull at the edges which were curling in and felted together here and there. I'm hoping it is in the purple loving range of our Hailey xo

ah ho.

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